Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just talk

Dear Blogger friends: The unusual weather this year producing unusual events.
I am a bird lover and feeder.
The birds also behave a little different.
They all come by pairs.
But they don't do the same things as mostly before.
Generally the females seems to be more aggressive than in the past.
The weather is not favorable many times.
Do not freeze anymore, but it is still cold and windy bringing those arctic fumes.
There is a drought.
Not a drop of rain.
Have to turn all the hoses on.
But many people do not care and the landscape will be soon sad.
This way the sunshine is not a pleasure.
It is also unusual for me to write text with no photos.
But still better than silence.
Still  you would know something from this life from  here where we live.
It is Sunday in the month of April 15 2012.
With greetings from Blue Bird :)


  1. The climate has changed....
    I am outside hunting for bugs...
    All we can do is plant trees and be mindful of our carbon footprint.

  2. Hello Dear Sherry: thanks for your kind response! It seems to me the Spring time rains are essential! Think of the large fields of agriculture! Everything what was planted onto the ground with the Spring sunshine the growing can start only with beneficial rains.
    Hope that other parts in this country has more feeding wetness!
    Yes the bugs! For pollination!!!
    Planting trees only with lot and lot of water!!!!

  3. Üdvözlet Kedves Júlia :)
    Örülök hogy újra hallani rólad hiányoztál ,hiányzol .Remélem jól vannak dolgaid körülötted.Időjárás nagyon szeszélyes nálunk is hideg szeles de eső azért esik nem sok de ez is aranyat ér a növényeknek.Tudod van a közmondás bolond mint az áprilisi időjárás majd múlik .Reménykedjünk majd csak lesz jó idő és napsütés.
    Kívánok szebb napokat,szeretettel Marika ölelés.

  4. Thanks for your kind greetings. Just trying to be a little more stable.The medical misery seems to slowly leave me. Hope over there everything is OK. Best wishes: J/bb :)
