Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Camera

These are the very first shots with my Nikon coolpix6000.
In sunshine
see those
fantastic Ornamental Grasses
after a little rain
The brutal heat and drought
did not hurt
Ornamental Grasses!

The first try shot:
from inside where is dark
to look out on the window
where is full sunshine
This is the way to find out
what a new camera is
all about.


  1. Great shots! They look sharp and clear even on my old computer :-)


  2. Thank you Ron! These are just with the very simple set ups, because I have to learn a lot. This little one has many things hiding in it!
    So you are back to blogging! Welcome and enjoy that so many people like to "hear" from you!
    Me too! Cheers! Julia/Blue Bird :)
