Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In the magnificent painting of
from a seashell
emerges representing the
This blog Ia about the impatiently waiting for the Spring to come after along winter.


  1. I want to correct the typing mistakes in the last words, but after an hour searching still don't know how to correct. May be tomorrow a good fairy will come to my help.

  2. Hi Julia.
    I got your email, thanks. I am a bit of a slow writer, but I will write back to you. Thank you for sending me seeds :) I haven't received them yet, but I believe they will be here soon.

    I have a little work left on my gift to you, hope to finish it in the week end, and then I will post it to you :)

  3. Thank you Hilde for your comment. Here we ran into a never ending winter! Record amount of snow this year February! This last was really a bad one: rain for a day than snow for a day, and to get a car going was not easy. No, not the end.More snow on the way.:-(
    I am terribly curious what is that you doing for me???? :-)
    The seeds went out in very bad weather,--- may be have to send it again! Let me know if in a reasonable time do not arrive! Love: J/Bb :-)
