Saturday, August 28, 2010


These photos were sent
by our
British photographer
ArgoThis is CrichTower in Derbyshire
a neighboring county
to Yorkshire
where Argo lives.
It is a memorial for soldiers of the
Sherwood Foresters regiment
from the WWI
Built 1923.
It looks like a lighthouse and lights up at night but there is no sea nearby.
Built on 1000 feet above sea level
and takes 52 steps to get to the top
These photos are the views from
the Tower
where he made 52 steps
up to the top.

An other wonderful picture
to show a most
charming village
to see
from the Tower.
All photos are Argo@exclusives.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Argo! For some "armchair travelers" it is a very educational and enjoyable experience!!! Thanks from the Editor of Nature Talks (bb):))))
