Sunday, March 6, 2011


At the time we visited the orchids, next we went to the
Cactus House!
My companion said she does not want to be photographed today, so I did this for fun.
I have a great affection for the cactus.
They are funny and make me smile.

This is a root.
I thinks is adorable.

They are there left in a nice place
where they can freely spread
what they love to do.

They are in a funny group
what they create on their own.
Perhaps was planted one some time ago---
and than they become a lovely social group.

This is my main attraction.

Makes me laugh
how this plant is fighting
the dimension of
the pot!
In every direction
just wants to get out!

This one is a darling

like nothing else.
Considering the thorns what can hurt you
she raps them up
that you can touch them
if it was just covered
with fine silk.

In our quiet walk around the cactus collection
finally a kind lady
came out from the background.
She told us, that she is a volunteer
taking care of the cactus house.
She also said:
"Now the days are getting longer,
with more light
the cactus community will come to
with unthinkable beautieful flowers"
Our date was set.


  1. Hi Julia. Great photos! So many cactuses, and they're all so very nice!
    Such an interesting place to visit.

  2. ♥♥ Kedves Juli ♥♥
    Szép fotók ! :)
    Remény hogy hamarosan el indul a virágzás és akkor még csodálatosabban fognak pompázni.
    Szerető üdvözletem Marika

  3. Bocsánat nem tudom de az a betű lemaradt :((((

  4. Those are amazing plants...can't say they're my favourites, but I bet they're spectacular when they flower.

  5. Something is holding up my reply!

  6. Dear Ladies, thank you for your kind comments. I hope my reply goes through now.J/bb
